August 1, 2009
Congratulations Hannah!
Rita's Hannah was adopted today by the Ohanian family of Calabasas. Hannah made her way to us a couple of months ago from Taiwan and has spent time under the foster care of Cathy T. Through a great diet and TLC, Cathy helped Hannah transform into the beautiful Golden on the outside that she already was on the inside. Hannah needed some assistance in the social graces and how to channel her amazing energy for a 7 year old. Through trips to the ocean and playtime with Cathy's pups, Hannah learned about life as a Golden in California and has embraced this new journey with gusto. The Ohanians will give her the special life she deserves and Calabasas is lucky to have this girl from Taiwan. Much thanks goes to Rita and MJ in Taiwan for rescuing Hannah and sending her to the U.S. and the volunteers of GRCGLAR for helping her on this journey.