Kingbo had been found as a stray in Taiwan a couple of years ago and was taken in temporarily by a family who was looking for a permanent home for him. After a couple of years they turned to Rita and MJ when they weren't successful, and these wonderful ladies asked us to take him. Right from the beginning Kingbo showed what a terrific dog he was, with great house manners (well except for the counter-surfing), he's easy going around other dogs, is a big people lover and is perfect on the leash. He initially stayed with Krista and Jerry, and when their scheduled changed he went to stay with Joan and Ed.
Shirley and Marty lost their Golden, Buff, earlier this year. They have another dog and a cat, but were missing that Golden personality. They were looking for a new pup who was mellow and easy going and could get along well with Hannah and Peanut. Joan, Ed and I brought Kingbo over to meet them yesterday. He had a great time racing through their home, smelling everything. We went out to see the backyard and he found his racetrack (so much for that mellow dog!) and next thing we knew he was in the pool! We got him dried off and back in the house -- he went racing around, found an open door and was back out and into the pool again - it was pretty comical! Despite this Marty and Shirley were charmed, especially after he gave them lots of doggy kisses. He gave his approval that this would be a wonderful home and he'd like to stay (that pool keeps calling)! I spoke to Marty today and they said he's got a lot more energy than they expected for a 6yo, so its going to be a bit of an adjustment for them. But they think he's wonderful and he's getting along great with their other dog and the cat.
Kingbo will forever love Rita and MJ for taking him in and getting him to CA, and he's grateful that Barbara D. accepted him into our rescue, as well as working with this wonderful family to find the right dog for them. He had a great time meeting the Welcome Waggineers and thanks Krista for taking him home and letting him stay for a week. He also thanks Joan and Ed for letting him spend Christmas with them. And he thanks Eva I. for doing the home visit that found his forever family.
December 30, 2010
December 27, 2010
December 24, 2010
Seasons Greetings from Pang Pang and Sharon
Please thank Rita for sending the wonderful video. We played it at work to a tearful staff who cheered out loud when Pang Pang’s picture appeared. It was moving, beautiful and inspiring.
Pang Pang is doing great! We are so excited about her first Christmas here. Santa has already been good to her and there is a lot more under the tree! She still goes to work with me every day, always happy to be there and just as happy to return home to Max and Petey. Two days a week we have a “Wok with Pang Pang” when the residents bring their dogs and off we go! She loves her seniors and it is definitely mutual. She has actually learned to “smile” for the camera and is probably more photographed then most celebrities. Her coat is beautiful and after winning a somewhat challenging battle with her weight, she is a picture of health and vitality. Her main challenge is still food and it looks like she will always have to be carefully monitored, but Rita did name her for her chubby body! There is no way to describe the joy she has brought into so many lives – especially mine!
This holiday season we are so grateful to all of you for making it possible to have this wonderful addition in our lives. She has touched many and I am certain that all of Rita’s Goldens have as well. So, we are sending the photo attached and wishing you all much happiness this holiday season and the very best in the coming year!
Pang Pang is doing great! We are so excited about her first Christmas here. Santa has already been good to her and there is a lot more under the tree! She still goes to work with me every day, always happy to be there and just as happy to return home to Max and Petey. Two days a week we have a “Wok with Pang Pang” when the residents bring their dogs and off we go! She loves her seniors and it is definitely mutual. She has actually learned to “smile” for the camera and is probably more photographed then most celebrities. Her coat is beautiful and after winning a somewhat challenging battle with her weight, she is a picture of health and vitality. Her main challenge is still food and it looks like she will always have to be carefully monitored, but Rita did name her for her chubby body! There is no way to describe the joy she has brought into so many lives – especially mine!
This holiday season we are so grateful to all of you for making it possible to have this wonderful addition in our lives. She has touched many and I am certain that all of Rita’s Goldens have as well. So, we are sending the photo attached and wishing you all much happiness this holiday season and the very best in the coming year!
December 23, 2010
December 22, 2010
Rita's Freedom adopted!
Rita's Freedom found her forever home last night with the Temple family.
I'm sure you've all seen Freedom's video - the transformation of where she came from to where she is now is amazing! Rita & MJ are amazing in the care they gave to her. The two physical reminders of her previous life are a cauliflower ear and a rear paw that is bigger than normal with changes to the pad. Neither one bothers her much and she's a happy, playful girl who has enjoyed her life in the US so far. She has been staying with Nestor & Bobby (along with Gone too Soon, Rita's Milo and the rest of their gang.)
The Temples recently lost their female Golden, Maya, and the whole family has been mourning her, including Max. They contacted me about a couple of dogs, and after talking we felt that Freedom would be the best fit. Nestor & Bobby were kind enough to take Freedom out to their house last night, despite all the rainy weather we've been having. The family instantly fell in love, and Freedom told everyone that this was going to be her forever home. She has settled in great so far, getting along good with Max and their cat. The family is so happy to have found Freedom, and Freedom is so happy to have found the Temples.
Freedom will be forever thankful to Rita & MJ for finding the beauty in a poor, scared and sick Golden and getting her healthy. She thanks Barbara D. for her part in getting her to CA, and to the Welcome Waggin Team for greeting her and her companions on their arrival. She was so happy to spend time with Nestor and Bobby, along with their crew of Lindsay, Roger, Boomer, GTS/Apollo and Rita's Milo. She also thanks Jane B. for doing the home visit on this family. Freedom is ready to have a wonderful Christmas with her new family!
I'm sure you've all seen Freedom's video - the transformation of where she came from to where she is now is amazing! Rita & MJ are amazing in the care they gave to her. The two physical reminders of her previous life are a cauliflower ear and a rear paw that is bigger than normal with changes to the pad. Neither one bothers her much and she's a happy, playful girl who has enjoyed her life in the US so far. She has been staying with Nestor & Bobby (along with Gone too Soon, Rita's Milo and the rest of their gang.)
The Temples recently lost their female Golden, Maya, and the whole family has been mourning her, including Max. They contacted me about a couple of dogs, and after talking we felt that Freedom would be the best fit. Nestor & Bobby were kind enough to take Freedom out to their house last night, despite all the rainy weather we've been having. The family instantly fell in love, and Freedom told everyone that this was going to be her forever home. She has settled in great so far, getting along good with Max and their cat. The family is so happy to have found Freedom, and Freedom is so happy to have found the Temples.
Freedom will be forever thankful to Rita & MJ for finding the beauty in a poor, scared and sick Golden and getting her healthy. She thanks Barbara D. for her part in getting her to CA, and to the Welcome Waggin Team for greeting her and her companions on their arrival. She was so happy to spend time with Nestor and Bobby, along with their crew of Lindsay, Roger, Boomer, GTS/Apollo and Rita's Milo. She also thanks Jane B. for doing the home visit on this family. Freedom is ready to have a wonderful Christmas with her new family!
Rita's Buddy adopted!
Rita's Buddy left us today and went to live with the Nance family. The Nances are past adopters with a brilliant track record, and when it came time for them to add to their family again, they thought of us first. Buddy's proven himself to be a very good boy, and so we were pleased to hook him up with this amazing family.
Buddy sends his eternal gratitude to Rita and MJ who saved his life and helped him find his way to us. He's also thankful to the Welcome Waggineers who gave him such a great reception when he planted his first paw on US soil, and to the foster family Wasluskas, who took him in and made him their own until he could get his own place in the states. Special thanks to Lisa D. who scouted out his new home!
Congratulations, Buddy!
Buddy sends his eternal gratitude to Rita and MJ who saved his life and helped him find his way to us. He's also thankful to the Welcome Waggineers who gave him such a great reception when he planted his first paw on US soil, and to the foster family Wasluskas, who took him in and made him their own until he could get his own place in the states. Special thanks to Lisa D. who scouted out his new home!
Congratulations, Buddy!
December 21, 2010
Rita's Albert adopted!
Rita's Albert is happy to announce that he has found his forever home with Julie & Mike V.
Albert was found in Taiwan with a bad skin condition. Rita and MJ rescued him and got him well, and he took the trip to the US with a gorgeous red, soft coat, (and he likes nothing better than for you to pet it!). He came to stay at my house while waiting to find his forever home, and I have to tell you he was a really hard one to let go. This guy is is so sweet and loving. He was a perfect house guest who got along well with the other crazy dogs at my house, didn't bother the cats and was just happy to be near you. He likes toys and balls, but the other pups kept taking them from him, so he would just hop up on the couch and hang out. Over the last few days he started playing with the other dogs - I'm not sure he knew how before.
Mike and Julie recent lost their Bud. They were missing having two dogs in the house, and their other pup, Althea, had been pretty quiet since Bud got sick. They were looking for a middle-age, mellower pup and had met Albert at the Welcome Waggin and thought he might be a good fit. I brought Albert over to their house yesterday and he acted like he's always been there. Althea seems to really enjoy having a companion and she was dancing all over the place, trying to get Albert to play. Albert tried out all the dog beds, found the toys and balls and was so, so happy to be able to chew and destroy uninterrupted. He sent me the following email this morning:
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for asking about me.
Already I have a new name tag, a new, bigger bed, toys to destroy and tennis balls to chew. No one tries to get my stuff.
I can get on Mike and Julie's bed with no problem and promptly konked out about 9:30 PM. So exhausted!!!
Althea and I are getting along great. I think she likes having me around. We pee and poop together! She yelled at me once because I got too close to her peanut butter. I had already eaten mine, so I was looking for some more, of course! Luckily I found the peanut butter knife and grabbed that off the counter and licked it clean. Yummmm!!!!
They have good food and treats around here and they don't mind me laying around or making a mess.
I've learned how to let myself out the back door; however, I have to get Julie up a lot earlier so I don't pee in the house anymore. She didn't care anyway. Something about her ugly rugs.....
I have Mike completely in the palm of my hand. He cannot keep his hands off me. He is on the floor with me, rubbing and massaging me. Luvs it!!!
Needless to say, I'm not coming home. And, please tell the other girls, I am off the market. I like it here.
Now if it would stop raining! But I did hear Julie mention getting me a rain coat so we can go out exploring.
Please come visit me when you can. Thanks for all your support in starting my new life!
I love you very much.
Albert Vallante
Albert thanks Rita & MJ for finding him and rescuing him, and Barbara D. for approving his trip to California. He was so happy to see the Welcome Waggin (its a long time in that crate!!) He thanks Scooter, Woody and Ori for sharing their home with him and teaching him that peanut butter tastes great. And he thanks Laura M. for completing the home visit. He mostly thankful for Mike, Julie and Althea for opening their hearts and home to him. Attached is a picture of Albert and his new dad, and another one of he and Althea in one of their favorite places - the food room! Julie promises to send a family photo when she and Althea have their make-up on.
Albert was found in Taiwan with a bad skin condition. Rita and MJ rescued him and got him well, and he took the trip to the US with a gorgeous red, soft coat, (and he likes nothing better than for you to pet it!). He came to stay at my house while waiting to find his forever home, and I have to tell you he was a really hard one to let go. This guy is is so sweet and loving. He was a perfect house guest who got along well with the other crazy dogs at my house, didn't bother the cats and was just happy to be near you. He likes toys and balls, but the other pups kept taking them from him, so he would just hop up on the couch and hang out. Over the last few days he started playing with the other dogs - I'm not sure he knew how before.
Mike and Julie recent lost their Bud. They were missing having two dogs in the house, and their other pup, Althea, had been pretty quiet since Bud got sick. They were looking for a middle-age, mellower pup and had met Albert at the Welcome Waggin and thought he might be a good fit. I brought Albert over to their house yesterday and he acted like he's always been there. Althea seems to really enjoy having a companion and she was dancing all over the place, trying to get Albert to play. Albert tried out all the dog beds, found the toys and balls and was so, so happy to be able to chew and destroy uninterrupted. He sent me the following email this morning:
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for asking about me.
Already I have a new name tag, a new, bigger bed, toys to destroy and tennis balls to chew. No one tries to get my stuff.
I can get on Mike and Julie's bed with no problem and promptly konked out about 9:30 PM. So exhausted!!!
Althea and I are getting along great. I think she likes having me around. We pee and poop together! She yelled at me once because I got too close to her peanut butter. I had already eaten mine, so I was looking for some more, of course! Luckily I found the peanut butter knife and grabbed that off the counter and licked it clean. Yummmm!!!!
They have good food and treats around here and they don't mind me laying around or making a mess.
I've learned how to let myself out the back door; however, I have to get Julie up a lot earlier so I don't pee in the house anymore. She didn't care anyway. Something about her ugly rugs.....
I have Mike completely in the palm of my hand. He cannot keep his hands off me. He is on the floor with me, rubbing and massaging me. Luvs it!!!
Needless to say, I'm not coming home. And, please tell the other girls, I am off the market. I like it here.
Now if it would stop raining! But I did hear Julie mention getting me a rain coat so we can go out exploring.
Please come visit me when you can. Thanks for all your support in starting my new life!
I love you very much.
Albert Vallante
Albert thanks Rita & MJ for finding him and rescuing him, and Barbara D. for approving his trip to California. He was so happy to see the Welcome Waggin (its a long time in that crate!!) He thanks Scooter, Woody and Ori for sharing their home with him and teaching him that peanut butter tastes great. And he thanks Laura M. for completing the home visit. He mostly thankful for Mike, Julie and Althea for opening their hearts and home to him. Attached is a picture of Albert and his new dad, and another one of he and Althea in one of their favorite places - the food room! Julie promises to send a family photo when she and Althea have their make-up on.
Maggie's Macy adopted!
Congratulations to Maggie's Macy, who found her forever home with Denise F.
Maggie asked us to take Macy, who had a luxated hip and needed surgery. She had been found tied to a post in a park. Other than her hip, she was in pretty good health. This poor girl must have been in pain for a long time, but has the most amazing spirit and good nature. We were able to do an FHO on her and she is now pain-free and on her way to leading a normal life. She has been staying with Kriss H. and her family, learning to use her leg again and getting lots of love, both people and doggy.
Denise recently lost her dog Molly, and she and Morgan were missing having another pup in the house. Denise saw Macy's pictures and story on our website and instantly fell in love. When they met, her feelings were confirmed and she and Morgan were excited to bring Macy home. Macy is enjoying her new life with Denise, and getting used to having cats around.
Macy is forever grateful to Maggie for finding her and getting her to the US. She is also grateful to Barbara D. for coordinating her trip home, as well as the Welcome Waggin' team for meeting her at the airport. She was so happy to see the dog walkers every day when she was at CP! And she's very thankful to Kiss and family who fostered her after her surgery and nursed her back to health. Finally, she thanks David & Kai for scoping out this wonderful home for her. Attached is a picture of Macy with Denise & Morgan. Welcome Home Macy!
Maggie asked us to take Macy, who had a luxated hip and needed surgery. She had been found tied to a post in a park. Other than her hip, she was in pretty good health. This poor girl must have been in pain for a long time, but has the most amazing spirit and good nature. We were able to do an FHO on her and she is now pain-free and on her way to leading a normal life. She has been staying with Kriss H. and her family, learning to use her leg again and getting lots of love, both people and doggy.
Denise recently lost her dog Molly, and she and Morgan were missing having another pup in the house. Denise saw Macy's pictures and story on our website and instantly fell in love. When they met, her feelings were confirmed and she and Morgan were excited to bring Macy home. Macy is enjoying her new life with Denise, and getting used to having cats around.
Macy is forever grateful to Maggie for finding her and getting her to the US. She is also grateful to Barbara D. for coordinating her trip home, as well as the Welcome Waggin' team for meeting her at the airport. She was so happy to see the dog walkers every day when she was at CP! And she's very thankful to Kiss and family who fostered her after her surgery and nursed her back to health. Finally, she thanks David & Kai for scoping out this wonderful home for her. Attached is a picture of Macy with Denise & Morgan. Welcome Home Macy!
December 20, 2010
Happy Holidays from Sampson (formerly Rita's Jumbo)
Sampson is finally up to a normal weight, and he has made a full recovery! Here are a few pics to share of “Rita’s Jumbo” who is now SAMPSON, aka, Handsome Sampson, Sammy Boy, Sam The Man, and The Samp!
Why I am thankful at this time of year, by Kai.
I am thankful because Joseph and Maggie of ARTT picked me up off the street when I couldn't get up.
I am thankful because these kind people got me all better and sent me to the U.S. for a better life.
I am thankful to GRCGLA Rescue and the Cook family for letting me stay at their house.
I am thankful to Barbara D. and Denise B. for finding my new home.
I am thankful for my golden sister Lani teaching me about living the good life.
I am thankful for good food, treats, a warm bed, rides in the car, and lots of love.
I am thankful to have a family that loves me and tells me I am cute. But most of all, I am thankful to be alive. Life is GOOD!

I am thankful because these kind people got me all better and sent me to the U.S. for a better life.
I am thankful to GRCGLA Rescue and the Cook family for letting me stay at their house.
I am thankful to Barbara D. and Denise B. for finding my new home.
I am thankful for my golden sister Lani teaching me about living the good life.
I am thankful for good food, treats, a warm bed, rides in the car, and lots of love.
I am thankful to have a family that loves me and tells me I am cute. But most of all, I am thankful to be alive. Life is GOOD!

December 19, 2010
December 18, 2010
December 17, 2010
Rita's Milo is here!
Preparing for departure in Taiwan...!/album.php?id=605784792&aid=263712
Our welcoming party picked him up last night!!/album.php?id=605784792&aid=263712
Our welcoming party picked him up last night!
December 15, 2010
Ruby Tuesday goes to work!
Lucia is now Ruby Tuesday (after The Rolling Stone song since she's no longer a rolling stone and gathering moss at her new home in Venice!). Here are a few pictures of her at the office with me, I'm a music supervisor for film & tv so she listens to lots of music with me all day and a pic of her and me in the car on the way to work!
Ruby Tu has lots of new friends both human and canine. She's doing really well and her skin infection that she had from Taiwan seems to be clearing up and her fur is getting thicker. She's still a little itchy but we're trying to keep her as comfortable as possible until it heals. She's my little shadow and follows me wherever I go!
She really loves her new running path on the venice/santa monica boardwalk and is still adjusting to all the funny noises in venice (ice cream trucks and taco vans, etc).
Thanks so much for bringing her home to me from Taiwan...she's such a doll.
Much love,
Libby & Ruby Tuesday
Ruby Tu has lots of new friends both human and canine. She's doing really well and her skin infection that she had from Taiwan seems to be clearing up and her fur is getting thicker. She's still a little itchy but we're trying to keep her as comfortable as possible until it heals. She's my little shadow and follows me wherever I go!
She really loves her new running path on the venice/santa monica boardwalk and is still adjusting to all the funny noises in venice (ice cream trucks and taco vans, etc).
Thanks so much for bringing her home to me from Taiwan...she's such a doll.
Much love,
Libby & Ruby Tuesday
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December 12, 2010
Postcard from Rita's Lucia
First 24 have been great. I think she found a new name...Ruby! She's a bit of a barker with all the new Venice noises but I think that will calm down with a little training. We went for a 2 mile run on the boardwalk today and she was in doggie heaven. She slept through the night, no messes or barking or anything to note. My friend came over for dinner last night and she jumped right on the couch and put her nose on him. She's absolutely precious.
Thanks for everything! I'll send pics an keep in touch!
Thanks for everything! I'll send pics an keep in touch!
December 11, 2010
Rita's HiHi adopted!
Rita’s Hi Hi said 'bye-bye' to the Rescue and went home with the Albee family today. They have had many dogs in the past and have raised puppies for the Guide Dogs of the Desert so have oodles of experience with dog training. Hi Hi is a lovely, sweet 3 year old who is very active and will benefit from the experienced training the Albees will provide her. In fact, before they left, they were already getting her to walk nicer on the leash, and to sit. Hi Hi was more than ready to start her new adventure with the Albees and leaped into their SUV for the ride home. In a few weeks, they are planning on a motor-home adventure to New Mexico where Hi Hi will be a part of the family fun.
Hi Hi thanks Rita and MJ for saving her in Taiwan and helping her to get safely to the U.S. to look for new opportunities. She also thanks the Welcome Waggin' for making her first moments in the US happy; David P. and his family for providing a loving foster home for a while, and the West Wind dog walking team – especially Scott M. and Julie W., for seeing to it she got walked and cuddled – another activity she loves. Finally, she thanks Barbara D. for making the match, as well as finding her this great new home and Pat J. for facilitating the adoption meeting.
Hi Hi thanks Rita and MJ for saving her in Taiwan and helping her to get safely to the U.S. to look for new opportunities. She also thanks the Welcome Waggin' for making her first moments in the US happy; David P. and his family for providing a loving foster home for a while, and the West Wind dog walking team – especially Scott M. and Julie W., for seeing to it she got walked and cuddled – another activity she loves. Finally, she thanks Barbara D. for making the match, as well as finding her this great new home and Pat J. for facilitating the adoption meeting.
Rita's Lucia adopted!
Rita's Lucia arrived at LAX from Taiwan last Sunday, tired but happy and eager for a new life. She didn't lose any time attracting the attention of Libby, who learned of us from a friend who adopted another of Rita's dogs last January, a big boy now named Otto. Libby wanted a sweet, mellow dog who would get along with Otto, who often hangs out at Libby's. She also wanted a dog calm enough to take to the office, yet with a good energy level for her active life of walking and running. Today Libby and Otto came to meet Lucia, who acted as if she'd always known them. Otto is a mellow guy, so we all went for a walk together and played in the back yard while everyone got acquainted. After a while Belle and Mufasa joined the party so Libby could see Lucia interact with dogs of quite different temperaments. Though she had originally been interested in a larger dog than Lucia, Libby decided that Lucia might be just the perfect size for apartment living, so off they went to live in Venice and enjoy a lot of great walks on the beach.
Lucia thanks Barbara D. for working with Rita and the other rescuers in Taiwan, so she could try life in the New World. She also thanks our veterinary friends for making sure she'll recover from her ear infections and get relief from her itchy allergies. She's delighted that Kriss H. took time from her busy life as foster mom and foster dog coordinator to scout out this great home where she'll be safe and welcome. Finally, she thanks Barbara again for making such a good match for her. She wants everyone in rescue to know how happy they have made her, and sends big kisses to all.
Lucia thanks Barbara D. for working with Rita and the other rescuers in Taiwan, so she could try life in the New World. She also thanks our veterinary friends for making sure she'll recover from her ear infections and get relief from her itchy allergies. She's delighted that Kriss H. took time from her busy life as foster mom and foster dog coordinator to scout out this great home where she'll be safe and welcome. Finally, she thanks Barbara again for making such a good match for her. She wants everyone in rescue to know how happy they have made her, and sends big kisses to all.
December 9, 2010
Update from Rita's Simba, now Tai
Simba (renamed Tai -- not too original but it seems to fit, work...and everyone in the neighborhood easily remembers his name "Tai from Taipei") fit into the program almost instantaneously. He runs two and a half miles on the beach every morning (he gets the weekends off and just swims)...swims (without fear in decent size surf) out into the ocean to fetch a frisbee...not certain if it's because he's smart or just so willing to please...but is constantly learning/remembering...not to cross curbs, go on the bike path, along with a few tricks and the basic commands, he is social with dogs, gentle with humans...had to learn how to play, not be so food oriented, and discover his retriever instincts...yet, I can't imagine him doing any better than he has. He's so easy to communicate with, rarely if ever, is there ever a need for me to even raise my voice or speak in a firm tone.
Kudos to Rita, MJ, Maggie and all the GRCGLAR folks...I really didn't expect to adopt but couldn't be happier with the way it has turned out.
Many thanks,
Kudos to Rita, MJ, Maggie and all the GRCGLAR folks...I really didn't expect to adopt but couldn't be happier with the way it has turned out.
Many thanks,
December 5, 2010
GRCGLAR welcomes Freedom, Albert, Lucia, Buddy, and Kingbo!
Thanks to Rita and her friends and the GRCGLAR Welcome Waggin', five Goldens arrived safely from Taiwan are now home for the holidays! Photos of the their arrival can be viewed HERE and HERE!
Video links:
Video links:
December 3, 2010
December 1, 2010
November 28, 2010
Happy Gotcha Day, Mars!
Hi GRCGLAR! Well, November 25th marked my one-year anniversary in Los Angeles with the Cook family. It has been a great year full of fun, good food, lots of hugs and kisses, etc. It's hard to believe that last year I was on the verge of death. Gee, I was a skinny, diseased-skin mess but thanks to Rita and MJ, they got me healthy and beautiful and thanks to my new mom, Cheryl, I've stayed that way. Just wanted to take this moment to once again give a huge thank you to Rita and MJ and to GRCGLAR for letting me come to America to start my new life. As I like to say, "Life is good!"
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Now on 11/25/10 with my Yorkie sister, Rosie, and a couple of house guests. |
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Before on July 29, 2009, the day I left the shelter. |
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July 29, 2009, the day I left the shelter. |
November 27, 2010
Rita's Mocha adopted!
Congratulations to Rita's Mocha, who found his forever home with the Carter family.
Mocha came in as part of Project Taiwan. He was found on the streets with skin issues, and once they cleared up he made his way to the US along with Simba and Bailey. He has been hanging out at Culver Palms waiting for just the right family.
The Carters lost their dog Samantha a little over a month ago, and have been missing having a Golden in the house. They were taken with Mocha's smile and fell in love as soon as they met him. He's an exuberant, energetic guy which they found endearing. They are anxious to take him on walks and hikes and were excited to see that he likes to catch tennis balls and will release them!
Mocha's new name is Magic, in honor of Magic Johnson. The family is a huge Laker's fan and came prepared with a new Laker's collar for their new pup. Magic is already settling into his new home - we got an email from the Carters this morning:
I just wanted to let you know how we are doing. When we came home we spent a few hours in the backyard letting Magic mark his territory. Then moved to the house. Our kitchen family room is one area that he became comfortable with…he calmed down pretty quickly. He certainly likes his toys and even puts some of them back in the basket and pulls out others.
We got a harness for walks and he enjoyed the several he took yesterday. Last night we brought his bed and blanket to our room and he slept all night at the side of the bed. He was great. He is getting ready to go walk on the River Trail with my husband right now.
Anyway…we are loving him.
Mocha came in as part of Project Taiwan. He was found on the streets with skin issues, and once they cleared up he made his way to the US along with Simba and Bailey. He has been hanging out at Culver Palms waiting for just the right family.
The Carters lost their dog Samantha a little over a month ago, and have been missing having a Golden in the house. They were taken with Mocha's smile and fell in love as soon as they met him. He's an exuberant, energetic guy which they found endearing. They are anxious to take him on walks and hikes and were excited to see that he likes to catch tennis balls and will release them!
Mocha's new name is Magic, in honor of Magic Johnson. The family is a huge Laker's fan and came prepared with a new Laker's collar for their new pup. Magic is already settling into his new home - we got an email from the Carters this morning:
I just wanted to let you know how we are doing. When we came home we spent a few hours in the backyard letting Magic mark his territory. Then moved to the house. Our kitchen family room is one area that he became comfortable with…he calmed down pretty quickly. He certainly likes his toys and even puts some of them back in the basket and pulls out others.
We got a harness for walks and he enjoyed the several he took yesterday. Last night we brought his bed and blanket to our room and he slept all night at the side of the bed. He was great. He is getting ready to go walk on the River Trail with my husband right now.
Anyway…we are loving him.
November 21, 2010
November 19, 2010
Update from Maggie's Andy, now Moby
Please pass along the following update and pictures on Maggie's Andy, now known as Moby, to Maggie in Taiwan and let her know that her efforts there are so much appreciated. Also, if she has any info to share about Moby's rescue we would love to know about it.
Moby is the sweetest boy and everyone who has met him absolutely loves him! He came to us very skinny and is slowly gaining weight with his new diet. We see less of his ribs everyday and he is starting to grow in his coat. My sister met Moby on a recent visit and loved him so much that she baked him dog cookies and mailed them to him from Portland!
Moby now has an older brother and sister, a chocolate lab and golden retriever and a foster golden to play with. His absolute favorite thing to do is to play ball at the park! He LOVES tennis balls! This morning he pulled all of the tennis balls out of their bag and now we have about 10 balls laying all over the front yard. He is very silly and his ridiculous ways are very entertaining!
Also, he is going to start doing a little work for GRCGLA rescue, as he is planning to go on his first homevisit this weekend.
Below are a couple of of Moby with his new sister, one with his ball and another with my mom.
Moby is the sweetest boy and everyone who has met him absolutely loves him! He came to us very skinny and is slowly gaining weight with his new diet. We see less of his ribs everyday and he is starting to grow in his coat. My sister met Moby on a recent visit and loved him so much that she baked him dog cookies and mailed them to him from Portland!
Moby now has an older brother and sister, a chocolate lab and golden retriever and a foster golden to play with. His absolute favorite thing to do is to play ball at the park! He LOVES tennis balls! This morning he pulled all of the tennis balls out of their bag and now we have about 10 balls laying all over the front yard. He is very silly and his ridiculous ways are very entertaining!
Also, he is going to start doing a little work for GRCGLA rescue, as he is planning to go on his first homevisit this weekend.
Below are a couple of of Moby with his new sister, one with his ball and another with my mom.
November 16, 2010
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