Hi GRCGLAR! Well, November 25th marked my one-year anniversary in Los Angeles with the Cook family. It has been a great year full of fun, good food, lots of hugs and kisses, etc. It's hard to believe that last year I was on the verge of death. Gee, I was a skinny, diseased-skin mess but thanks to Rita and MJ, they got me healthy and beautiful and thanks to my new mom, Cheryl, I've stayed that way. Just wanted to take this moment to once again give a huge thank you to Rita and MJ and to GRCGLAR for letting me come to America to start my new life. As I like to say, "Life is good!"
Now on 11/25/10 with my Yorkie sister, Rosie, and a couple of house guests. | | |
Before on July 29, 2009, the day I left the shelter. |
July 29, 2009, the day I left the shelter. |