From GRCGLAR volunteer, David...
After an almost 2-hour wait for our precious boy Oscar, he made his dramatic debut last night accompanied by team leader, Ira, and Mariko, Sonsee and David. He decided to make his grand entrance to his waiting audience after a few stretches in his crate. Once leashed he made his dramatic entry to Mariko and Ira's waiting arms. He smelled the fresh Los Angeles air and you could just see him relax. Ira walked him around a nice grassy area so he could take care of some stage fright and he was a new dog. He made the rounds to all of us to give us a welcome sniff as if to say hi!
After a few minutes of signing autographs and posing for pictures, Oscar was whisked off in his limousine to his hotel in San Clemente. Sonsee talked to him the whole time and he just melted in the back seat. We got home just after midnight and took him for a short walk before bringing him to meet Lani and Kai. After meeting some new fans and a welcome drink, he settled down for the night, or so we thought. It turns out Oscar had a second wind and decided to get all of the toys out and spend most of the night snacking and playing.
I took over for Sonsee at 8:00 and tried to get him to eat some kibble, but he was too tired and decided to call it a night. Today he spent his day napping and exploring the neighborhood, posed for a few more pictures and met the neighbors, Justa, Chip, and Roxy. Welcome sniffs were exchanged by all. Tonight Oscar ordered boiled chicken and rice from room service.
Oscar sends his love and appreciation to his special friend Rita and says thanks for everything you did for him. Also a high paw to the Barbara D. and GRCGLA Rescue for making this possible, and the Welcome Waggin Team; Ira, Mariko, Sonsee and David.