March 31, 2011

Rita's Melissa adopted!

Congratulations to Rita's Melissa, who will be known as Nora, has found a new home with Jane and Alan.

Jane and Alan are a retired couple, who recently lost their girl, a 14-1/2 year old Lab, Scout. Alan likes to take frequent walks, and would take Scout for three 30-minute walks each day. After Alan and Jane met Melissa, we sat down and went over Melissa's allergies and the special diet she requires to keep the allergies in check. As we were talking, Alan wanted to take Melissa out on a walk, and she did great. While going over her known history and how she became such an amazing girl during her stay with us, Melissa let it be known that she wanted to go outside again. So, off Alan and Melissa went. At this point Jane said to me, Melissa's the one and this was confirmed by Alan upon their return from the second walk.

Melissa also gave the paws up sign, and took no time in telling me, 'Bobby, it's ok to go, I've found my new forever home! Hurry up and take my picture!'

Jane and Alan were so proud to let me know that their son and his family adopted a Golden from us about two years ago. Then, Jane pulled out the 2011 Fields of Gold calendar, proudly beaming and sharing with me that her son's boy Gus (Mr. G) is Mr. October 2011! He certainly is a beautiful boy. So, what a neat story here, son adopts, and now Mom and Dad, too!

We know that both Jane and Alan will provide a wonderful, loving and safe home for this girl who has been through so much during her previous life in Taiwan.

During Melissa's stay with us, it has been wonderful to watch and see this sweet girl blossom into a beautiful dozen roses, compared to when she first arrived from Taiwan as a very shy and timid girl. We were able to manage her allergies with the proper food, and her scratching had practically stopped. Her hair grew back in the many places where it had come off due to her scratching, and her coat now looks very full, shiny and beautiful. Melissa had the respect of our pups who were so kind to her, while careful not to play with her too rough. While on our walks, Melissa learned to leap after lizards, chase after birds (that were too far away), and see and smell the new and different surroundings she has probably never experienced before. Nestor even taught Melissa how to navigate going up and down the stairs, which comes in handy in her new forever home.

Melissa sends a big thank you to Rita, MJ and everyone in Taiwan who found and took such great care of Melissa, putting her on the road to recovery, and sending her to California. Melissa was happy to have been warmly received by the Welcome Waggin crew. She thanks Bethany for finding this great home! Nestor and I were very thankful for the opportunity for Melissa to have stayed with us as she begins her new life in the United States. A big thank you to Sandy for everything you have done and all the support you have given Melissa! Also, this wouldn't have been possible without Barbara's help!

Welcome home Melissa, now the Irish rose, Nora!