Gary and Linda braved rush-hour traffic just to make sure that they were able to bring Maggie's Stanley home with them before another day passed! Linda said that they fell in love with him the moment they saw his pictures on our website. They had already bought Stanley a new bed, new toys, dishes, etc...there was no going home without him. It was wonderful to see him jump in the back of their SUV, only to be up front with them before they made it out of the parking lot. I'm sure it was a long, slobbery ride home! Stanley thanks Maggie and the ART team and Barbara D. for getting him safely to the States, the Welcome Waggin' crew for meeting him at LAX, Jessica R. for giving him a warm place to stay on his first night in L.A., the CP walkers for letting him stretch his legs, Sandra D. for checking out this amazing home, and Chevy for facilitating the adoption.