August 1, 2010

Rita's Seven adopted!

Rita's Seven was adopted yesterday by former adopter, Linda B. Linda lost her GRCGLARescue-adopted Golden boy, Cooper, suddenly to a hemangiosarcoma. She was grieving but felt that adopting another homeless Golden in need would be a great way to pay tribute to Cooper.

Linda met Seven with Tom H. in Fullerton and it was love at first sight. It didn't take Linda long to realize that Seven is a special Golden under the timid, confused and lost soul at the moment. We're looking forward to pictures soon for posting but so far Seven is doing good...a bit nervous and pacing but given the rollercoaster ride he's experienced the past couple of months - it's to be expected.

Much thanks goes to Rita in Taiwan for rescuing Seven and giving him an opportunity at a better life in America. Thanks to Barbara D. and the Welcome Waggin crew for bringing Rita's Seven into rescue. Thank you Tom H. for the time spent getting to know this boy through daily walks at the park. Finally, thank you David P. for conducting the homevisit for Linda...truly a loving and compassionate adopter!

Congratulations Seven (newly named Lucky)!